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About Sharon - My story 


Everyone has a story and I'm no different.


  Ever since I was a young girl I have always read books about herbs and natural ways to be healthy, how to eat well, stay young and to be vibrant mind, body, and spirit.

Without coincidence, I became co-owner of a jazz dance-fitness studio, and as a new entrepreneur I had to be financially frugal, so I also taught lunchtime classes at nearby companies, to pay my own personal expenses. A few years later, at a high point in my career, I closed the school and moved to Detroit, Michigan and taught exercise classes at a few places. While there, I studied for exams for my personal trainer and medical exercise specialist certificate, which is how I was introduced and first learned about 'holistic wellness', and one supervisor spoke to me about a corporate wellness program she had and how lucrative it was.


When I returned home I found myself in-between seasons, with no classes available for me to teach. Eventually I found a few classes to teach and went about my life.

One day I sprained my ankle and ended up in the hospital emergency room. While I waited 13 hours for a medical attention, I had plenty of time to think about...

What would our healthcare system be like when I would be older? How long will the wait be, to receive medical care?


The thought was so scary...that I knew I needed to find a way to prevent myself and others from being hospitalized. It was at this time that I thought about holistic wellness and pondered how I could recreate myself professionally. 1999, is when my teaching fitness and dance classes transitioned into my helping people with a holistic approach to health and wellness, for at one of the companies where I taught lunchtime classes, I saw the need for a wellness program.


With no other point of reference, I created my own holistic version of a Corporate Wellness Program, presented my idea which was accepted. I then launched my company brand "Be-well" and began providing a variety of onsite services, which included holistic health and wellness information sessions, massage therapy, and a variety of dance and exercise classes. I found myself loving to educate and motivate employees to be-well, and they also loved a holistic approach to their health and wellness.

Human health science is continually changing, therefore I continually educate myself in all things health and wellness. I have great joy in researching, creating, providing and promoting health and wellness services, and because of it I have also grown professionally, personally and holistically.


For each client, (company, community organization or individual person)  I design and provide a unique solution. (a holistic wellness program, health promotion, a participation incentive) I assess the organization's specific needs, their stakeholders, environment, culture, budget, facilities, etc. For some clients or large scale projects, I may engage the services of other independent health and wellness experts, healthcare or government organization agencies.

Helping people be well is my passion, lifework and life's purpose.  If you ever need my assistance, support or guidance with your wellness goals, it'd be my pleasure to help you achieve your goals.



Sharon Davidson


"Sharon Davidson is regularly sought out by organizations as a KeyNote Speaker for holistic health and wellness topics, and by top Corporate brands to support their employee's wellness. Individual private clients call on Sharon's counsel and guidance to address their personal health and wellness concerns."

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